Friday, October 22, 2010

Music I've Been Listening to Lately

Here are some new and old albums I've listened to recentely (they're definitely worth it.)
p.s. All the top tracks are just my opinion (of course)

Band: Beirut
Album: The Flying Club Cup
Top Track: Nantes
Genre: European influenced, weird folk.
(But honestly this whole album is great....and so so weird and different.)

Band: Bowerbirds
Album: Hymns For A Dark Horse
Top Track: My Oldest Memory
Genre: Weird folk

Band: Norfolk and Western
*For this one, I couldn't find an actual link to a track listing of an album, so i just listened to some of their stuff on Youtube
Genre: Indie folk

Band: Mark Ronson and the Business Intl.
Album: Record Collection
Top Track: The Bike Song
Genre: Alternative hip hop/dance pop

Band: Surfer Blood
Album: Astro Coast
Top Track: Catholic Pagans
Genre: Indie Rock

Band: The Dead Weather
Album: Sea of Cowards
Top Track: Die By The Drop
Genre: Alternative rock/blues inspired/grunge
WARNING: if you don't like grungier blues music, I would not listen to this band. If you do want to listen to this band, watch your speaker volume, because if it is too loud, you may get blown across the room. And no, that isn't a creative metaphor.

Band: Kings of Leon
Album: Come Around Sundown
Top Track(s): Radioactive or Back Down South
Genre: They are a southern rock alternative band, however this album has more of a surfer feel with a southern tinge

Band: Dr. Dog
Album: Shame, Shame
Top Track: Later (this song is incredible)
Genre: Psychedelic indie rock (very mellow sounding)